Monday, February 21, 2011

Graffiti at JNU

Jawaharlal Nehru University -- commonly known as JNU -- in Delhi has a lively campus with impressive graffiti of all stripes. In the Center for Economic Studies and Planning, there is a red brick wall, the "Hallowed Red Wall" that contains the terms and names of its center's proud marxist tradition. I spent some time with students, and was impressed with their background in all stripes of economics.

Even the right wing graffiti was more progressive than one might find elsewhere, quite surprising when fundamentalist Hindutva types feel they might have their share of signs against female foeticide and crimes against women.

This one shows Sonia Gandhi pushing Prime Minister Singh in a wheelchair.

But most of the student driven posters and artwork were definitely lefty, some more so than others.

Political activism is alive and well, and up-to-date.
From another group.
And yet another.

Friday, February 11, 2011


The struggle of the Egyptian people -- peaceful -- to force Mubarak out and hopefully bring democracy to their country -- is an amazing inspiration to us all.

Somehow my complaints about infrastructure construction don't seem so important today.

Let us all hope for the best as the Egyptians work together to create their own democracy.